At this time, all the audition slots for May 5, 6 and 7 are full. Youth Auditions on April 29th still have openings; please scroll down to access details or click here for sign-ups. Please use the form below to sign up for the waitlist. You will be notified when a spot opens or if alternative arrangements will be made. Thank you for your interest!
Adult Audition Dates: May 5, 6 & 7
Youth ONLY Auditions: April 29
Based on Sholem Aleichem stories by special permission of Arnold Perl
Produced on the New York Stage by Harold Prince
Original New York Stage Production Directed and Choreographed by JEROME ROBBINS
Fiddler on the Roof is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI).
All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.
Director – Mitch Master
Vocal Director & Music Director – Dan Greig
Choreographer – Mark McCleese
Producer - Nicole Broughton-Adams
Technical Director - Eric Maher
Executive Producer - David Carroll
Nicely Theatre Group announces auditions, May 5-7 at The Berman Center for Performing Arts in the lower level Aaron DeRoy Theatre in West Bloomfield. We are actively seeking a diverse cast representative of our metro-Detroit community. Interested parties, aged 10-13 & 18+ are welcome, non-equity actors only. All roles are paid.
Youth Auditions will be held on April 29 at 6:00pm at The Berman Center for Performing Arts in the Aaron DeRoy Theatre (Lower Level) in West Bloomfield. We are seeking two boys and two girls who appear to be ages 10-13 with STRONG DANCE SKILLS. If needed, callbacks will be held on May 8th at 6pm.
The audition will begin with dance, with the group learning a dance combination.
Please wear jazz shoes and movement clothing; bring pointe shoes if you have them.
Dance will be followed by individual singing and possibly acting auditions.
Winner of nine Tony Awards when it debuted in 1964, Fiddler on the Roof was the creation of Broadway legends Jerome Robbins and Harold Prince; songwriters Jerry Bock and Sheldon Harnick; and book writer Joseph Stein.This legendary musical tells the story of Tevye, the endearing milkman who clings to his Jewish traditions of Anatevka during pre-Revolutionary Russia. As his daughters question these old-fashioned traditions and the world changes ominously around them, Tevye is challenged to find a new way to learn and to love. Fiddler on the Roof is a Broadway classic, boasting unforgettable melodies such as “If I Were a Rich Man,” “Sunrise, Sunset,” and “Do You Love Me?”
Auditions and Rehearsals will be held at:
The Berman Center for the Performing Arts & Aaron DeRoy Theatre (Lower Level)
6600 West Maple Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Audition Dates:
Tuesday, April 29, from 6:00-8:00pm (Youth Only)
Monday, May 5, from 6:00-10:00 pm
Tuesday, May 6, from 6:00-10:00 pm
Wednesday, May 7, from 6:00-10:00 pm
*If you have a conflict with audition dates, please email to see if alternate arrangements are possible.
Callbacks information:
● Thursday, May 8, from 6:00-10:00 pm
● Callbacks will consist of scenes and song cuts from the show.
All called back will receive an email with callback information on Wednesday, May 7. NOTE: If you do not receive a callback email, it does not mean you have not been cast.
Rehearsal Information:
First 3 Rehearsals: Monday, May 19, 6:00-10:00pm (introductions, read-through and costume measurements; dinner will be provided) & two more rehearsals for vocals, May 20 & 21, 6:00-10:00pm
No Rehearsals: May 23 - August 17
Rehearsals resume August 18
Typical weekly rehearsals Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 7:00-10:00pm
Long Sunday Rehearsal: October 12
Tech & Dress rehearsal: October 14-16
Show Dates (6):
October 17, 18 (evening) & 19 (matinee)
October 24, 25* (evening) & 26 (matinee)
*Possible addition of October 25 matinee performance
Show Venue:
The Berman Center for the Performing Arts
6600 West Maple Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Audition Requirements:
Casting ages (18+), races, genders, shapes, and sizes.
Five (5) young actors who appear to look 10-13 will be cast.
Please bring three (3) non-returnable resumes and headshots.
Please prepare one or two vocal sides listed below (cuts available here):
If I Were a Rich Man - Tevye
Do You Love Me - Golde & Tevye
To Life - Lazar
Matchmaker - Tzeitel & Chava
Far From the Home I Love - Hodel
Miracle of Miracles - Motel
Now I have Everything - Perchik
Rumor - Yente
The Dream - Grandma Tzeitel & Fruma Sarah
To Life - Fyedka & Russians
Tradition - Ensemble (Papas, Mommas, Sons, Daughters)
Wear comfortable clothing and bring all available dance shoes; all dancers will learn a combination that features modern, contemporary, and classic jazz styling. Athletic acrobatics, partner work, and ballet, pointe, & bottle dancing experience are a plus.
Choose one or two monologues from the link to perform at auditions. You do not have to memorize. Click here to download the monologue readings from the show.
Tevye Perchik
Motel Fyedka
Lazar Wolf Constable
Golde Yente
Tzeite Hodel
Chava Bielka/Shprintze
If invited to Callbacks, click here to download monologues & scene sides.
Tevye Mono Golde Mono
Yente Mono Tevye & Golde
Tevye & Lazar Wolf Tevye & Constable
Tevye & Tzeitel Tevye & Motel
Fyedka & Chava Perchik & Hodel #1
Perchik & Hodel #2 Tevye, Mordcha, Avram, Mendel & Perchik
Any questions should be emailed to
Character Descriptions:
Tevye (pronounced “tev-yah”) - Vocal range top: F4, bottom: Ab2. Narrator and main character in the show, likable, hardworking, pious dairyman, who sees the positive side of life. Strong patriarch but gentle father of five daughters, closely raised according to the scriptures. Husband to Golde. He is humorous and relaxed, but when pushed, can show stubbornness and rage. Strong actor must carry the show and have a good connection with the audience. He should be able to show the wide range of conflict, joy, and pain that his character feels throughout the story. Large amounts of dialogue and singing, solo and with others. General ensemble dancing.
Golde (pronounced “goal-dah”) - Vocal range top: Eb5, bottom: A3. Tevye’s strong-willed wife who wishes for her daughters to have good husbands and live easier than she and Tevye. She is the backbone of the family. She has a rather gruff exterior, but in her heart is sheer dedication to her family. She runs the household and keeps Tevye's more emotional side in check. Conversely, she should be able to show a softer side when dealing with Chava and Tevye's rift. Golde is an efficient helpmate and traditionalist, faced with changes of a “new world.” She has a sharp tongue and wit. Her love of family helps her face the challenges that her family encounters. Good comic timing for some funny lines. General ensemble dancing.
Tzeitel (pronounced “z-eye-tul”) - Vocal range top: D5, bottom: B3. The oldest daughter of Tevye and Golde. She is the first to be matched by Yente and sets the plot of Fiddler into action by pleading with her father to let her marry Motel the Tailor, to whom she has pledged her love. She is determined to marry Motel and knows how to manipulate her father. She has a desperate crying scene with Tevye. Strong dramatic actress. Ensemble dancing and two scene dances with sisters.
Hodel (pronounced “hudd-ul”) - Vocal range top: E5, bottom: B3. A strong, independent middle child of the three older daughters. She is outspoken, but respectful. She has her eye on the Rabbi's son at the outset of the story, but she is taken with the revolutionary Perchik from the moment she meets him. Hodel proves that her dedication to and love for Perchik is real as she follows him to Siberia after his arrest. Sings a haunting solo saying goodbye to her father. Ensemble dancing and two dances with sisters.
Chava (pronounced “Cha-va” - the H is guttural) - Vocal range top: D5, bottom: B3. Tevye's middle daughter. An introspective, rather shy young woman who seems to favor books over other pursuits. Her love for the young Russian, Fyedka, tests her father's love to the limit and provides the largest conflict in the story. The actor playing Chava must be able to display a wide emotional range. Strong dancing is required.
Shprintze (pronounced "sprin-tza") - Vocal range top: D5, bottom: B3. Tevye and Golde’s fourth daughter. She is impressionable and looks up to her three older sisters. Takes lessons at home from Perchik. Strong dancing is a plus, to possibly dance as “Young Chava” in Act II
Bielke (pronounced "bee-el -ka") Vocal range top: D5, bottom: B3. Tevye and Golde’s youngest daughter. She is impressionable and looks up to her 4 older sisters. Takes lessons at home from Perchik. Strong dancing is required to dance as “Young Chava” in Act II
Yente (pronounced "yen-ta") - Vocal range top: F5, bottom: F3. The meddling matchmaker. She is a widow and village busybody who knows all of the town gossip. The comedian of the show. A Yiddish accent would be helpful. In Yiddish, Yente means gossip. Ensemble dancing.
Motel (pronounced “mutt-ul”) - Vocal range top: F#4, bottom: E3. The poor and meek tailor who shares a deep love with Tzeitel. Sensitive and nervous, but sincere and friendly. He is an endearing sort of Woody Allen type. He is a strong singer/dancer: able to dance at his wedding. A young man with good comic timing and a vulnerable quality is ideal.
Perchik (pronounced “per-chick”) - Vocal range top: E4, bottom: B2. An outspoken young student who leans toward a revolutionary, or as Tevye calls him, "A radical." Perchik should be able to hold his own with Tevye. Being a strong character, he clashes with Tevye idealistically, but is likable, charming, and ultimately, a member of the family. Requires an actor who can show intensity and an unfailing commitment to his ideals. Some ensemble dancing and a small dance scene with Hodel.
Lazar Wolf (pronounced “lay-zer”) - Vocal range top: F#4, bottom: C3. The feisty, brawny butcher. The town's wealthiest citizen. Widower of Fruma-Sarah, and the man Yente the matchmaker sets as a match for Tzeitel. Tzeitel is frightened to marry Lazar Wolf and she should have reason to be so. Lazar Wolf has featured singing in, "To Life" and must be able to sell the song.
Grandma Tzeitel- Vocal range top: D5, bottom: C#4. Golde’s late grandmother who endorses the marriage between Tzeitel and Motel. A ghost figure who appears in the dream scene. Also will be double cast as a villager. Some dance type stage movement required.
Fruma-Sarah - Vocal range top: Eb5, bottom: C4. Lazar's Wolf's deceased first wife. She becomes enraged when her husband plans to wed Tzeitel. Must be able to present a fearful appearance, loud voice and do general stage movements for the role. Maybe double cast in the ensemble.
Constable - Russian military official stationed near Anatevka who knows the villagers well. He has a good relationship with Tevye, but this relationship does not prevent him from carrying out violence against the villagers. Non-singing and dancing role.
Fyedka (pronounced “fee-yed-ka”) - Vocal notes needed upper G5, Russian soldier, non-Jewish. Tevye and the rest of the men are distrusting of him, but he is actually a very kind and gentle young man, despite being a soldier. He is strong and confident. He must be a strong dancer & singer. Might have the Russian solo in “TO LIFE,” if voice matches the part, but could also be played as a non-singing role.
Mendel - Rabbi's son.General Ensemble dancing.
Avram (pronounced "ahv-rom”) - Vocal range top: Eb4, bottom: D3. Runs the local bookshop and keeps the town advised of all the news in the area. General Ensemble dancing.
Reb Mordcha (pronounced "Moor-de-chai") Innkeeper - runs the bar in town, Tevye's friend. General Ensemble dancing.
Sasha - Russian military soldier stationed near Anatevka. Fedyka's friend. Great dancer required for To Life.
Rabbi - Anatevka’s Jewish spiritual leader. Papa to Mendel. General Ensemble dancing.
Reb Nahum (pronounced "Nah-chum") The Beggar. General Ensemble dancing.
Yussel (pronounced "Yah-sul") The Hatter. General Ensemble dancing.
Four Russian Military Soldiers - Stationed near Anatevka & Bottle Dancer.Great dancer required for To Life & The Wedding
Villagers - Papas, Mommas, Daughters & Sons. Good dancing & singing required
Fiddler - Must be able to play violin